McMaster Mass Compilation 12

Compilers: Balraj Singh and Liam Kroll, McMaster Univ., Canada

Contact: Balraj Singh;

Date: September 30, 2018

Compiled Data from papers during May 18, 2017 to September 30, 2018
There is a total of 202 data points from 32 papers in primary nuclear physics journals
including one paper in 2016 in Nature Communications.

NSR Keyno       Citation                Author                  Title                                                   Method                  Facility

2018Re11        PRC 98, 024310          M.P. Reiter et al.      "Quenching of the N=32 neutron shell                    Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF
                                                                 closure studied via precision mass
                                                                 measurements of neutron-rich vanadium

2018Xi04        PL-B 781, 358-363       Y.M. Xing et al.        "Mass measurents of neutron-deficient                   Cooler-Storage Ring     HIRFL-CSR at Lanzhou
                                                                 Y, Zr, and Nb isotopes and their impact
                                                                 on rp and vp nucleosynthesis processes"

2018Fu11        PRC 98, 014315          C.Y. Fu et al.          "Masses of the Tz=-3/2 nuclei 27P and                   Cooler-Storage Ring     HIRFL-CSR at Lanzhou

2018Zh29        PRC 98, 014319          Y.H. Zhang et al.       "Isochronous mass measurements if Tz=-1                 Cooler-Storage Ring     HIRFL-CSR at Lanzhou
                                                                 fp-shell nuclei from projectile
                                                                 fragmentation of 58Ni"

2018Ro14        PRC 97, 064306          M. Rosenbusch et al.    "New mass anchor points for neutron                     Penning trap            GARIS-II at RIKEN
                                                                 -deficient heavy nuclei from direct mass
                                                                 measurements of radium and actinium

2018Vi02        PRL 120, 262701         M. Vilen et al.         "Precision Mass Measurements on Neutron                 Penning trap            JYFLTRAP at Jyvaskyla
                                                                 -Rich Rare-Earth Isotopes at JYFLTRAP:
                                                                 Reduced Neutron Pairing and Implications
                                                                 for r-Process Calculations"

2018Va01        PRL 120, 032701         A.A. Valverde et al.    "High-Precision Mass Measurement of 56Cu                Penning trap            LEBIT at NSCL
                                                                 and the Redirection of the rp-Process Flow"

2018Or02        PRL 120, 262702         R. Orforf et al.        "Precision Mass Measurements of Neutron                 Penning trap            CPT at CARIBU-ANL
                                                                 -Rich Neodymium and Samarium Isotopes
                                                                 and Their Role in Understanding Rare
                                                                 -Earth Peak Formation"

2018Mo14        PRL 120, 232501         M. Mougeot et al.       "Precision Mass MEsaurements of 58-63Cr:                Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN
                                                                 Nuclear Collectivity Towards the N=40
                                                                 Island of Inversion"

2018Mi08        PRL 121, 022506         S. Michimasa et al.     "Magic Nature of Neutrons in 54Ca: First                Time-of-Flight          SHARAQ at RIKEN
                                                                 Mass Measurements of 55-57Ca"                          Magnetic-Rigidity

2018Le03        PRL 120, 062503         E. Leistenschneider     "Dawning of the N=32 Shell Closure Seen                 Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF
                                        et al.                   through Precision Mass Measurements
                                                                 of Neeutron-Rich Titanium Isotopes"

2018Iz01        PRC 97, 014309          C. Izzo et al.          "Precision mass measurements of neutron                 Penning trap            LEBIT at NSCL
                                                                 -rich Co isotopes beyond N=40"

2018It04        PRL 120, 152501         Y. Ito et al.           "First Direct Mass Measurements of Nuclides             Penning trap            GARIS-II at RIKEN
                                                                 around Z=100 with a Multirelection Time
                                                                 -of-Flight Mass Spectrograph"

2018Ha19        PRL 120, 182502         D.J. Hartley et al.     "Masses and beta-Decay Spectroscopy of Neutron          Penning trap            CPT at CARIBU-ANL
                                                                 -Rich Odd-Odd 160,162Eu Nuclei: Evidence for
                                                                 a Subshell Gap with Large Deformation at

2018Ba08        PRC 97, 024312          C. Babcock et al.       "Mass measurements of neutron-rich indium               Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF
                                                                 isotopes toward the N=82 shell closure"

2017Ma29        PRC 95, 054322          V. Manea et al.         "Penning-trap mass spectrometry and mean                Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN
                                                                 -field study of nuclear shape coexistence
                                                                 in the neutron-deficient lead region"

2017Re10        PRC 96, 052501          M.P. Reiter et al.      "High-precision Qec-value measurement of the            Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF
                                                                 superallowed beta+ emitter 22Mg and an ab
                                                                 initio evaluation of the A=22 isobaric triplet

2017We16        PRL 119, 192502         A. Welker et al.        "Binding Energy of 79Cu: Probing the Structure          Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN
                                                                 of the Doubly Magic 78Ni from Only One
                                                                 Proton Away"

2017Zh12        PL-B 767, 20-24         P. Zhang et al.         "High-precision Qec values of superallowed              Cooler-Storage Ring     HIRFL-CSR at Lanzhou
                                                                 0+->0+ beta-emitters 46Cr, 50Fe and 54Ni"

2017He14        PRL 119, 033001         F. Heiße et al.         "High-Precision Measurement of the Proton's             Penning trap
                                                                 Atomic Mass"

2017Ka53        PRC 96, 044321          R.M.E.B. Kandegedara    "Beta-decay Q values amoung the A=50 Ti-V-Cr            Penning trap            LEBIT at NSCL
                                        et al.                   isobaric triplet and atomic masses of
                                                                 46,47,49,50Ti, 50,51V, and 50,52-54Cr"

2017La16        PRC 96, 044323          D. Lascar et al.        "Precision mass measurements of 125-127Cd               Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF
                                                                 isotopes and isomers approaching the N=82
                                                                 closed shell"

2017Ze02        PRC 96, 031303          Q. Zeng et al.          "Half-life measurement of short-lived 94mRu44+          Cooler-Storage Ring     HIRFL-CSR at Lanzhou
                                                                 using isochronous mass spectrometry"

2017Ga20        PRC 96, 024325          A.T. Gallant et al.     "Mass determination near N=20 for Al                    Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF
                                                                 and Na isotopes"

2017De18        PRC 96, 014310          A. de Roubin et al.     "Nuclear deformation in the A=100 region:               Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN
                                                                 Comparison between new masses and mean
                                                                 -field predictions"

2017Se09        JP-G 44, 074002         N. Severijns et al.     "Weak interaction physics at ISOLDE"                    Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN

2017Ne05        JP-G 44, 065103         D.A. Nesterenko et al.  "High-precision mass measurements for the               Penning trap            JYFLTRAP at Jyvaskyla
                                                                 isobaric multiplet mass equation at A=52"

2017Br14        PRC 96, 034316          M. Brodeur et al.       "Precision mass measurements if magnesium isotopes      Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF
                                                                 and implications for the validity of the isobaric
                                                                 mass multiplet equation"

2017At01        JP-G 44, 044004         D. Atanasoc et al.      "Precision mass measurements of cesium isotopes         Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN
                                                                 -new entries in the ISOLTRAP chronicles"

2017Al34        PRC 96, 044325          N.A. Althubiti et al.   "Spectroscopy of the long-lived excited                 Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN
                                                                 state in the neutron-deficient nuclides
                                                                 195,197,199Po by precision mass measurements"

2017Ha33        PRA 96, 060501          S. Hamzeloui et al.     "Precision mass ratio of 3He+ to HD+"                   Penning trap

2016Ko45        Nature Comms. 7, 10246  F. Kohler et al.        "Isotope dependence of the Zeeman effect                Penning trap            SHIPTRAP at GSI-HSD
                                                                 in lithium-like calcium"

Nuclide Level           Half-Life       Spin-Parity     Measured Mass   AME-2016 Mass   Measured -      Reference
        Energy (keV)                                    Excess (keV)    Excess (keV)    AME-2016

 p       0              stable          1/2+            -6777.985(2)                                     2017He14: PRL 119, 033001
 p+d-3He                                                 5493.42(4)                                      2017Ha33: PRA 96, 060501
 12C(6+) 0              stable          0+              -3064.96357(3)                                   2017He14: PRL 119, 033001
 16O     0              stable          0+              -4737.00(3)     -4737.0013(1)    0.0013          2017He14: PRL 119, 033001
 18Ne    0              1664.20 ms      0+              5317.63(36)     5317.6(4)       -0.03            2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 19Ne    0              17.274 s        1/2+            1751.83(31)     1752.05(16)      0.22            2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 21Na    0              22.422 s        3/2+            -2184.71(21)    -2184.63(10)    -0.08            2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 22Mg    0              3.8755 s        0+              -400.10(22)     -399.9(3)       -0.2             2017Re10: PRC 96, 052501
 22Na    0              2.6018 y        3+              -5181.49(22)    -5181.51(17)     0.02            2017Re10: PRC 96, 052501
 26Al    228.306        6346.0 ms       0+              -12210.20(6)    -12210.16(7)     0.04            2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 27Mg    0              9.435 min       1/2+            -14586.38(14)   -14586.61(5)     0.23            2017Br14: PRC 96, 034316
 27P     0              260 ms          1/2+            -685(42)        -722(26)         37              2018Fu11: PRC 98, 014315
 28Mg    0              20.915 h        0+              -15019.95(26)   -15018.8(20)    -1.15            2017Br14: PRC 96, 034316
 29S     0              188 ms          5/2+            -3094(13)       -3160(50)        66              2018Fu11: PRC 98, 014315
 29Mg    0              1.30 s          3/2+            -10612.38(34)   -10603(11)      -9.38            2017Br14: PRC 96, 034316
 29Al    0              6.56 min        5/2+            -18207.77(37)   -18207.8(3)      0.03            2017Ga20: PRC 96, 024325
 31Na    0              17.35 ms        3/2+            12246(14)       12246(14)        0               2017Ga20: PRC 96, 024325
 32Ar    0              98 ms           0+              -2200.2(18)     -2200.4(18)      0.2             2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 32Na    0              12.9 ms         3-              18638(37)       18640(40)        2               2017Ga20: PRC 96, 024325
 34Ar    0              843.8 ms        0+              -18377.10(41)   -18378.29(8)     1.19            2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 34Al    0              56.3 ms         4-              -3000.5(29)     -3000(3)        -0.5             2017Ga20: PRC 96, 024325
 35Al    0              37.2 ms         5/2+            -223.7(73)      -224(7)          0.3             2017Ga20: PRC 96, 024325
 37K     0              1.2365 s        3/2+            -24800.45(35)   -24800.20(9)    -0.25            2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 38Ca    0              443.7 ms        0+              -22058.01(65)   -22058.50(19)    0.49            2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 39Ca    0              860.3 ms        3/2+            -27282.57(60)   -27282.7(6)      0.13            2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 40P     0              150 ms          2-,3-           -8150(100)      -8110(150)      -40              2018Mi08: PRL 121, 022506
 40Si    0              33.0 ms         0+              5700(130)       5430(350)       -270             2018Mi08: PRL 121, 022506
 42P     0              48.5 ms                         1100(100)       1010(310)       -90              2018Mi08: PRL 121, 022506
 43Ti    0              509 ms          7/2-            -29306(9)       -29321(7)        15              2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 44Cl    0              560 ms          2-              -20540(110)     -20380(140)     -160             2018Mi08: PRL 121, 022506
 44V     0              111 ms          2+              -23827(20)      -24120(180)      293             2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 44V     270            150 ms          6+              -23541(19)      -23850(210)      309             2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 45V     0              547 ms          7/2-            -31885(10)      -31886.0(9)      1               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 46Cr    0              224.3 ms        0+              -29471(11)      -29472(11)       1               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 46Cl    0              232 ms          2-              -13700(110)     -13860(210)      160             2018Mi08: PRL 121, 022506
 46Ti    0              stable          0+              -44128.06(12)   -44127.80(16)   -0.26            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 46Cr    0              224.3 ms        0+              -29471(11)      -29472(11)       1               2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20-24
 47Cr    0              500 ms          3/2-            -34565(10)      -34563(6)       -2               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 47Ti    0              stable          5/2-            -44937.35(12)   -44937.36(12)    0.01            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 48Ca    0              Stable          0+              -44224.869(3)   -44224.63(10)   -0.239           2016Ko45: Nature Comms. 7, 10246
 48Ar    0              415 ms          0+              -22330(120)     -22280(310)     -50              2018Mi08: PRL 121, 022506
 48Mn    0              158.1 ms        4+              -29299(7)       -29296(7)       -3               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 49Mn    0              382 ms          5/2-            -37607(14)      -37620.6(23)     13.6            2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 49Ti    0              stable          7/2-            -48563.76(12)   -48563.79(11)    0.03            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 50Fe    0              152.1 ms        0+              -34477(6)       -34476(8)       -1               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 50Fe    0              152.1 ms        0+              -34477(6)       -34476(8)       -1               2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20-24
 50Ti    0              stable          0+              -51431.58(12)   -51431.66(12)    0.08            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 50V     0              150 Py          6+              -49222.88(15)   -49224.0(4)      1.12            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 50Cr    0              stable          0+              -50261.16(13)   -50262.1(4)      0.94            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 51Fe    0              305.4 ms        5/2-            -40198(14)      -40203(9)        5               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 51Ti    0              5.76 min        3/2-            -49731.3(21)    -49732.8(5)      1.5             2018Le03: PRL 120, 062503
 51Ti    0              5.76 min        3/2-            -49731.5(21)    -49732.8(5)      1.3             2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 51V     0              stable          7/2-            -52203.5(18)    -52203.8(4)      0.3             2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 51V     0              stable          7/2-            -52202.87(13)   -52203.8(5)      0.93            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 52Co    0              111 ms          6+              -34331.6(66)    -34361(8)       29.4             2017Ne05: JP-G 44, 065103
 52Co    387            102 ms          2+              -33958(11)      -33974(10)      16               2017Ne05: JP-G 44, 065103
 52Fe    0              8.27 h          0+              -48330.67(60)   -48330(5)       -0.67            2017Ne05: JP-G 44, 065103
 52Fe    6958           45.9 s          12+             -41370.01(65)   -41372(5)       2.0              2017Ne05: JP-G 44, 065103
 52Mn    0              5.59 d          6+              -50709.97(59)   -50707.3(18)    -2.7             2017Ne05: JP-G 44, 065103
 52Cr    0              stable          0+              -55419.13(14)   -55419.2(3)      0.07            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 52Ti    0              1.7 min         0+              -49466(16)      -49470(7)        4               2018Le03: PRL 120, 062503
 52Ti    0              1.7 min         0+              -49479.1(30)    -49470(7)       -9.1             2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 52Co    0              111.1 ms        6+              -34361(8)       -34361(8)        0               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 52Co    387            102 ms          2+              -33974(10)      -33974(10)       0               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 52Cr    0              stable          0+              -55421.3(20)    -55419.2(3)     -2.1             2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 52V     0              3.743 min       3+              -51417(26)      -51443.8(4)      26.8            2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 53Ti    0              32.7 s          3/2-            -46881.4(29)    -46830(100)     -51.4            2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 53Ti    0              32.7 s          3/2-            -46881.3(29)    -46830(100)     -51.3            2018Le03: PRL 120, 062503
 53Cr    0              stable          3/2-            -55288.4(19)    -55287.0(3)     -1.4             2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 53Cr    0              stable          3/2-            -55287.58(15)   -55287.0(3)     -0.58            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 53V     0              1.543 min       7/2-            -51851(19)      -51851(3)        0               2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 54Ti    0              2.1 s           0+              -45744(16)      -45620(80)      -124             2018Le03: PRL 120, 062503
 54Ni    0              114.2 ms        0+              -39278(4)       -39278(5)        0               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 54Ni    0              114.2 ms        0+              -39278(4)       -39278(5)        0               2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20-24
 54Cr    0              stable          0+              -56929.3(46)    -56934.8(4)      5.5             2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 54Cr    0              stable          0+              -56935.17(18)   -56934.8(4)     -0.37            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
 54V     0              49.8 s          3+              -49904(17)      -49893(15)      -11              2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 55Ti    0              1.3 s           1/2-            -41832(29)      -41670(160)     -162             2018Le03: PRL 120, 062503
 55Ca    0              22 ms           3/2+            -18650(160)     -18350(300)     -300             2018Mi08: PRL 121, 022506
 55V     0              6.54 s          7/2-            -49125(27)      -49140(100)      15              2018Re11: PRC 98, 024310
 56Ca    0              11 ms           0+              -13510(250)     -13900(400)      390             2018Mi08: PRL 121, 022506
 56Cu    0              93 ms           4+              -38626.7(71)    -38643(15)       16.3            2018Va01: PRL 120, 032701
 56Cu    0              93 ms           4+              -38643(15)      -38643(15)       0               2018Zh29: PRC 98, 014319
 57Ca    0              5 ms            5/2-            -7370(990)      -6870(400)      -500             2018Mi08: PRL 121, 022506
 58Cr    0              7 s             0+              -51991.8(30)    -51991.8(15)     0               2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 59Cr    0              1050 ms         1/2-            -48115.9(7)     -48090(220)     -25.9            2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 59Cr    0              1050 ms         1/2-            -48132(20)      -48090(220)     -42              2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 60Cr    0              490 ms          0+              -46908.5(11)    -46670(190)     -238.8           2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 60Cr    0              490 ms          0+              -46917(19)      -46670(190)     -247             2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 61Cr    0              243 ms          5/2-            -42496.5(18)    -42480(100)     -16.5            2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 61Cr    0              243 ms          5/2-            -42503(20)      -42480(100)     -23              2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 62Cr    0              206 ms          0+              -40852.6(35)    -40890(150)      37.4            2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 62Cr    0              206 ms          0+              -40841(18)      -40890(150)      49              2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 63Cr    0              129 ms          1/2-            -36178(73)      -36010(360)     -168             2018Mo14: PRL 120, 232501
 68Co    0              200 ms          7-              -51642.8(44)    -51930(190)      287.2           2018Iz01: PRC 97, 014309
 69Co    0              180 ms          7/2-            -50214(14)      -50280(140)     -66              2018Iz01: PRC 97, 014309
 74Rb    0              64.776 ms       0+              -51915.2(40)    -51916(3)        0.8             2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
 75Cu    0              1.224 s         5/2-            -54470.04(76)   -54471.3(23)     1.26            2017We16: PRL 119, 192502
 76Cu    0              637.7 ms        3,4             -50981.55(89)   -50976(7)       -5.55            2017We16: PRL 119, 192502
 77Cu    0              467.9 ms        5/2-            -48862.8(12)    -48620(150)     -242.8           2017We16: PRL 119, 192502
 78Cu    0              330.7 ms        5-              -44772(17)      -44500(500)     -272             2017We16: PRL 119, 192502
 79Cu    0              241.0 ms        5/2-            -42408(105)     -41740(300)     -668             2017We16: PRL 119, 192502
 79Y     0              14.8 s          5/2+            -57803(80)      -57820(80)       17              2018Xi04: PL-B 781, 358-363
 81Zr    0              5.5 s           3/2-            -57524(92)      -57460(90)      -60              2018Xi04: PL-B 781, 358-363
 82Zr    0              32 s            0+              -63632(10)      -63631(11)      -1               2018Xi04: PL-B 781, 358-363
 83Nb    0              3.9 s           9.2+            -57613(162)     -57560(150)     -53              2018Xi04: PL-B 781, 358-363
 84Nb    0              9.8 s           1+              -61219(12)      -61219(13)       0               2018Xi04: PL-B 781, 358-363
 94Ru    0              51.8 min        0+              -82531(72)      -82584(3)        3               2017Ze02: PRC 96, 031303
 94Ru    2644.1         0.071 ms        8+              -79905(132)     -79940(3)        35              2017Ze02: PRC 96, 031303
 100Sr   0              202 ms          0+              -59821(27)      -59821(7)        0               2017De18: PRC 96, 014310
 101Sr   0              113.8 ms        5/2-            -55315(21)      -55325(8)        10              2017De18: PRC 96, 014310
 102Sr   0              69 ms           0+              -52160(67)      -52160(70)       0               2017De18: PRC 96, 014310
 100Rb   0              48 ms           3+,4-           -46290(19)      -46247(20)      -43              2017De18: PRC 96, 014310
 101Rb   0              31.8 ms         3/2+            -42558(28)      -42850(200)      292             2017De18: PRC 96, 014310
 102Rb   0              37 ms           4+              -37253(83)      -37710(300)      457             2017De18: PRC 96, 014310
 125In   0              2.36 s          9/2+            -80412.4(15)    -80477(27)       64.6            2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 125In   360.12         12.2 s          1/2-            -80061(13)      -80117(27)       56              2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 125Cd   0              680 ms          3/2+            -73348.1(29)    -73348.1(29)     0               2017La16: PRC 96, 044323
 125Cd   186            480 ms          11/2-           -73157.9(90)    -73162(3)        4.1             2017La16: PRC 96, 044323
 126Cd   0              513 ms          0+              -72260.7(70)    -72256.8(25)    -3.9             2017La16: PRC 96, 044323
 126In   0              1.53 s          3+              -77809.5(41)    -77773(27)      -36.5            2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 126In   70             1.64 s          8-              -77719.6(50)    -77710(50)      -9.6             2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 127Cd   0              330 ms          3/2+            -68743.4(56)    -68747(12)       3.6             2017La16: PRC 96, 044323
 127Cd   276            200 ms          11/2-           -68460.1(47)    -68472(30)       11.9            2017La16: PRC 96, 044323
 127In   0              1.09 s          9/2+            -76876(11)      -76896(21)       20              2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 127In   408.9          3.67 s          1/2-            -76487(15)      -76487(21)       0               2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 127In   1870           1.04 s          21/2-           -75179(48)      -75030(60)      -149             2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 128In   0              816 ms          3+              -74170.5(97)    -74150(150)     -20.5            2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 128In   80             720 ms          8-              -73908.8(91)    -74060(30)       151.2           2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 129In   0              570 ms          9/2+            -72836.4(61)    -72837.7(27)     1.3             2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 129In   458            1.23 s          1/2-            -72392(14)      -72380(3)       -12              2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 130In   0              284 ms          1-              -69862(20)      -69880(40)       18              2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 130In   400            540 ms          5+              -69503(28)      -69480(40)      -23              2018Ba08: PRC 97, 024312
 132Cs   0              6.48 d          2+              -87151.4(12)    -87152.7(10)     1.3             2017At01: JP-G 44, 044004
 133Cs   0              stable          7/2+            -88072.1(30)    -88070.931(8)   -1.169           2017La16: PRC 96, 044323
 146Cs   0              323 ms          1-              -55309(3)       -55310.4(29)     1.4             2017At01: JP-G 44, 044004
 147Cs   0              230 ms          (3/2+)          -51920(8)       -51920(8)        0               2017At01: JP-G 44, 044004
 148Cs   0              145 ms                          -46911(13)      -46911(13)       0               2017At01: JP-G 44, 044004
 154Nd   0              25.9 s          0+              -65579.6(10)    -65820(50)       241             2018Or02: PRL 120, 262702
 156Nd   0              5.06 s          0+              -60202.1(13)    -60470(200)      267             2018Or02: PRL 120, 262702
 156Nd   0              5.06 s          0+              -60210(2)       -60470(200)      260             2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 158Nd   0              810 ms          0+              -53897(37)      -54060(200)      163             2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 158Pm   0              4.8 s                           -59104(2)       -59089(13)      -15              2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 158Nd   0              810 ms          0+              -53835.1(13)    -54060(200)      225             2018Or02: PRL 120, 262702
 159Nd   0              500 ms          7/2+            -49724(30)      -49810(300)      86              2018Or02: PRL 120, 262702
 160Nd   0              439 ms          0+              -46725(47)      -47130(300)      405             2018Or02: PRL 120, 262702
 160Eu   0              42.4 s          5-              -63493.4(9)     -63480(10)      -13.4            2018Ha19: PRL 120, 182502
 160Eu   80             29.9 s          1-              -63400.4(8)     -63400(12)      -0.4             2018Ha19: PRL 120, 182502
 160Pm   0              725 ms          0-              -52851(16)      -53000(200)      149             2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 162Eu   0              11 s            1+              -58723.9(15)    -58700(40)      -23.9            2018Ha19: PRL 120, 182502
 162Eu   157            7.5 s           6+              -58563.7(19)    -58540(40)      -23.7            2018Ha19: PRL 120, 182502
 162Sm   0              2.7 s           0+              -54377.0(50)    -54530(200)      153             2018Or02: PRL 120, 262702
 162Sm   0              2.7 s           0+              -54381(5)       -54530(200)      149             2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 162Eu   0              11 s            1+              -58658(4)       -58700(40)       42              2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 163Sm   0              1.3 s           1/2-            -50599.6(73)    -50720(300)      120.4           2018Or02: PRL 120, 262702
 163Eu   0              7.7 s           5/2+            -56420(4)       -56480(70)       60              2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 163Gd   0              68 s            7/2+            -61338(4)       -61314(8)       -24              2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 163Gd   137.8          23.5 s          1/2-            -61200(4)       -61176(8)       -24              2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 164Sm   0              1.43 s          0+              -47925.3(40)    -48100(300)      174.7           2018Or02: PRL 120, 262702
 164Gd   0              45 s            0+              -59694(3)       -59770(100)      76              2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 164Tb   0              3.0 min         5+              -62090(4)       -62080(100)     -10              2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 165Gd   0              11.0 s          1/2-            -56522(4)       -56450(120)     -72              2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 166Gd   0              5.1 s           0+              -54387(4)       -54530(200)      143             2018Vi02: PRL 120, 262701
 180Au   0              8.4 s                           -25627.3(50)    -25626(5)       -1.25            2017Ma29: PRC 95, 054322
 185Au   0              4.25 min        5/2-            -31858.2(26)    -31858.1(26)    -0.07            2017Ma29: PRC 95, 054322
 188Au   0              8.84 min        1-              -32371.3(27)    -32371.3(27)    -0.03            2017Ma29: PRC 95, 054322
 190Au   0              42.8 min        1-              -32833.5(35)    -32834(3)        0.47            2017Ma29: PRC 95, 054322
 195Po   0              4.64 s          3/2-            -11117.9(61)    -11060(40)      -57.9            2017Al34: PRC 96, 044325
 195Po   90             1.92 s          13/2+           -10968.3(72)    -10965(28)      -3.3             2017Al34: PRC 96, 044325
 196Po   0              5.56 s          0+              -13467.9(59)    -13473(14)       5.1             2017Al34: PRC 96, 044325
 197Po   0              53.6 s          3/2-            -13396(10)      -13360(50)      -9               2017Al34: PRC 96, 044325
 197Po   230            25.8 s          13/2+           -13197.1(70)    -13130(90)      -67.1            2017Al34: PRC 96, 044325
 197At   0              388.2 ms        9/2-            -6371(18)       -6355(8)        -16.5            2017Ma29: PRC 95, 054322
 197At   45             2.0 s           1/2+            -6326(14)       -6311(9)        -14.9            2017Ma29: PRC 95, 054322
 199Po   311.9          4.17 min        13/2+           -14929.4(49)    -14897(18)      -32.4            2017Al34: PRC 96, 044325
 203Po   0              36.7 min        5/2-            -17310.3(56)    -17311(9)        0.7             2017Al34: PRC 96, 044325
 208Po   0              2.898 y         0+              -17463.5(55)    -17469.6(17)     6.1             2017Al34: PRC 96, 044325
 210Ra   0              4.0 s           0+              411(33)          443(9)          31.9            2018Ro14: PRC 97, 064306
 210Ac   0              350 ms          7+              8626(157)       8790(60)         164             2018Ro14: PRC 97, 064306
 211Ra   0              13.2 s          5/2-            819(25)         832(8)           13.2            2018Ro14: PRC 97, 064306
 211Ac   0              213 ms          9/2-            7007(99)        7200(50)        -193             2018Ro14: PRC 97, 064306
 212Ra   0              13.0 s          0+              -198(25)       -199(11)          0.9             2018Ro14: PRC 97, 064306
 212Ac   0              895 ms          6+              7304(24)        7280(50)        -23.6            2018Ro14: PRC 97, 064306
 213Ac   0              738 ms          9/2-            6122(18)        6155(15)        -33              2018Ro14: PRC 97, 064306
 214Ra   0              2.437 s         0+              59(35)          93(5)           -34              2018Ro14: PRC 97, 064306
 214Ac   0              8.2 s           5+              6396(29)        6444(15)        -47.6            2018Ro14: PRC 97, 064306
 219At   0              56 s            9/2-            10394.4(77)     10396(3)         1.65            2017Ma29: PRC 95, 054322
 246Es   0              7.5 m           4-              67812(109)      67900(220)      -88              2018It04: PRL 120, 152501
 251Fm   0              5.3 h           9/2-            75996(34)       75954(15)        42              2018It04: PRL 120, 152501
 249Md   0              23.4 s          7/2-            77259(221)      77230(200)       29              2018It04: PRL 120, 152501
 250Md   0              52 s                            78472(138)      78630(200)      -158             2018It04: PRL 120, 152501
 251Md   0              4.21 min        7/2-            79025(60)       78967(19)        58              2018It04: PRL 120, 152501
 252Md   0              2.3 min                         80467(89)       80510(130)      -83              2018It04: PRL 120, 152501
 254No   0              51.2 s          0+              84675(42)       84723(10)       -48              2018It04: PRL 120, 152501

Nuclide;        Level           Half-Life       Spin-Parity     Measured        AME-2016        Measured -      Reference
Daughter        Energy (keV)                                    Q(EC) (keV)     Q(EC) (keV)     AME-2016
22Mg;22Na       0;657.00       3.8755 s;19.6 ps 0+;0+           4781.64(28)     4781.6(3)       0.04            2017Se09: JP-G 44, 074002
22Mg;22Na       0;0           3.8755 s;2.6018 y 0+;3+           4781.40(22)     4781.6(3)      -0.2             2017Re10: PRC 96, 052501
46Cr;46V        0;0          224.3 ms;422.64 ms 0+;0+           7604(11)        7604(11)        0               2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20-24
50Fe;50Mn       0;0          152.1 ms;283.19 ms 0+;0+           8150(6)         8151(8)        -1               2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20-24
50V;50Ti        0;0            150 Py;stable    6+;0+           2208.70(11)     2207.65(43)     1.05            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321
54Ni;54Co       0;0          114.2 ms;193.28 ms 0+;0+           8731(4)         8732(5)        -1               2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20-24

Nuclide;        Level           Half-Life       Spin-Parity     Measured        AME-2016        Measured -      Reference
Daughter        Energy (keV)                                    Q(B-) (keV)     Q(B-) (keV)     AME-2016
50V;50Cr        0;0            150 Py;stable    6+;0+           1038.12(9)      1038.06(59)     0.06            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321

Nuclide;        Level           Half-Life       Spin-Parity     Measured        AME-2016        Measured -      Reference
Daughter        Energy (keV)                                    Q(2EC) (keV)    Q(2EC) (keV)    AME-2016
50Cr;50Ti       0;0            stable;stable    0+;0+           1170.48(10)     1169.59(45)     0.89            2017Ka53: PRC 96, 044321

NOTE: MASS EXCESS VALUES FROM REFERENCES 2016Ko45: Nature Comms. 7, 10246 AND 2017He14: PRL 119, 033001 AND
2017Ha33: PRA 96, 060501 WERE CONVERTED TO keV FROM amu.