McMaster Mass Compilation 09

Compilers: Balraj Singh, Michael Walters, McMaster Univ., Canada

Contact: Balraj Singh;

Date: October 22, 2014

Compiled Data from papers during November 15, 2013 to October 22, 2014

NSR Keyno       Citation               Author                     Title                                                 Method                  Facility

2014BoAA        PRC 90, 044307          Ch. Boehm et al.        "Evolution of nuclear ground-state properties of        Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN
                                                                 neutron-deficient isotopes around Z=82 from
                                                                 precision mass measurements"
2014Ga20        PRL 113, 082501         A.T. Gallant et al.     "Breakdown of the Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation      Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF-ISAC
                                                                 for the A = 20 and 21 Multiplets"
2014Kr09        PRC 90, 024301          S. Kreim et al.         "Competition between pairing correlations and           Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN
                                                                deformation from the odd-even mass staggering of
                                                                francium and radium isotopes"
2014Kw04        PRC 89, 045502          A.A. Kwiatkowski et al. "New determination of double-beta-decay properties      Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF-ISAC
                                                                in 48Ca: High-precision Q(bb)-value measurement and
                                                                improved nuclear matric element calculations"
2014Se12        PRC 89, 057302          G.W. Severin et al.     "66Ga ground state beta spectrum"                       Superconducting         University of Wisconsin
                                                                                                                        beta spectrometer
2014Ka22        PRC 89, 051302(R)       A. Kankainen et al.     "Coulomb displacement energies as a probe for nucleon   Penning trap            JYFLTRAP at IGISOL
                                                                pairing in the f7/2 shell"
2014Ei01        PRC 89, 064318          M. Eibach et al.        "Direct high-precision mass measurements on 241,243Am,  Penning trap            TRIGA-TRAP at MPI
                                                                244Pu, and 249Cf"
2014Sc09        PRC 90, 012501(R)       B.E. Schultz et al.     "Precision Q(EC)-value measurement of 23Mg for          Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF-ISAC
                                                                testing the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix unitarity"
2014Sh14        PLB 735, 327            P. Shuai et al.         "Charge and frequency resolved isochronus mass          Mass Spectrometry       HIRFL-CSR
                                                                spectrometry and the mass of 51Co"
2014Ma21        PRC 89, 044318          T.D. Macdonald et al.   "Precision Penning-trap measurement to investigate      Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF-ISAC
                                                                the role of the 51Cr(e-,nu)51V Q value in the gallium
2013Ch49        PRC 88, 054317          A. Chaudhuri et al.     "Evidence for the extinction of the N = 20 neutron-     Penning trap            TITAN at TRIUMF-ISAC
                                                                shell closure for 32Mg from direct mass measurements"
2013Ma81        PRC 88, 054322          V. Manea et al.         "Collective degrees of freedom of neutron-rich A        Penning trap            ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN
                                                                approx. 100 nuclei and the first mass measurement of
                                                                the short-lived nuclide 100Rb"
2013Bu17        PRC 88, 035502          S. Bustabad et al.      "Examination of the possible enhancement of             Penning trap            LIBIT-NSCL
                                                                neutrinoless double-electron capture in 78Kr"
2013Ho22        PRA 88, 052502          M. Hoecker et al.       "Atomic masses of 82,83Kr and 131,134Xe"                Penning trap            FSU Penning trap

2013Ho22        PRA 88, 052502          M. Hoecker et al.       "Atomic masses of 82,83Kr and 131,134Xe"                Penning trap            FSU Penning trap

Nuclide Level           Half-Life       Spin-Parity     Measured Mass   AME-2012 Mass   Measured -      Reference
        Energy (keV)                                    Excess (keV)    Excess (keV)    AME-2012

20Mg    0               90 ms           0+              17477.7(18)     17559(27)       -81.3           2014Ga20: PRL 113, 082501
21Mg    0               122 ms          5/2+            10903.85(74)    10914(16)       -10.15          2014Ga20: PRL 113, 082501
29Na    0               44.1 ms         3/2(+sys)       2686.0(93)      2680(7)         6.0             2013Ch49: PRC 88, 054317
30Na    0               48.4 ms         2+              8474.8(47)      8475(5)         -0.2            2013Ch49: PRC 88, 054317
30Mg    0               313 ms          0+              -8883.8(34)     -8884(3)        0.2             2013Ch49: PRC 88, 054317
31Na    0               17.0 ms         3/2(+sys)       12261(23)       12261(23)       0               2013Ch49: PRC 88, 054317
31Mg    0               232 ms          1/2+            -3122.3(30)     -3122(3)        -0.3            2013Ch49: PRC 88, 054317
32Mg    0               86 ms           0+              -828.8(31)      -829(3)         0.2             2013Ch49: PRC 88, 054317
33Mg    0               90.5 ms         3/2-            4962.2(28)      4962.2(29)      0               2013Ch49: PRC 88, 054317
34Mg    0               20 ms           0+              8323(29)        8323(29)        0               2013Ch49: PRC 88, 054317
34Ar    0               843.8 ms        0+              -18379(15)      -18378.29(8)    -0.71           2014Sh14: PLB 735, 327
45V     0               547 ms          7/2-            -31885.3(9)     -31881(8)       -4.3            2014Ka22: PRC 89, 051302
48Ca    0               53 Ey           0+              -44224.45(27)   -44224.76(12)   0.31            2014Kw04: PRC 90, 045502
48Ti    0               stable          0+              -48492.70(21)   -48491.7(4)     -1.0            2014Kw04: PRC 90, 045502
49Mn    0               382 ms          5/2-            -37620.3(24)    -37637(10)      16.7            2014Ka22: PRC 89, 051302
51Co    0               68.8 ms         7/2-(sys)       -27342(48)      -27340(50)      -2              2014Sh14: PLB 735, 327
51Cr    0               27.7010 d       7/2-            -51451.71(61)   -51451.1(9)     -0.66           2014Ma21: PRC 89, 044318
51V     0               stable          7/2-            -52203.69(54)   -52203.7(9)     0               2014Ma21: PRC 89, 044318
82Kr    0               stable          0+              -80591.382(9)   -80590.3(9)     -0.08           2013Ho22: PRA 88, 052502
83Kr    0               stable          9/2+            -79990.633(11)  -79990.03(30)   -0.63           2013Ho22: PRA 88, 052502
98Rb    0               114 ms          (0)             -54309.4(40)    -54318(3)       8.6             2013Ma81: PRC 88, 054322
99Rb    0               54 ms           (5/2+)          -51120.3(45)    -51210(110)     89.7            2013Ma81: PRC 88, 054322
100Rb   0               48 ms           (3+),4-(sys)    -46247(20)      -46550(200)(sys)303             2013Ma81: PRC 88, 054322
131Xe   0               stable          3/2+            -88413.557(13)  -88413.63(22)   0.073           2013Ho22: PRA 88, 052502
134Xe   0               stable          0+              -88125.824(12)  -88124.3(8)     -1.52           2013Ho22: PRA 88, 052502
184Tl   0               10.1 s          2-(sys)         -16874(22)      -16873(20)      -1              2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
186Tl   0               40 s(sys)       (2-)            -19887(23)      -19887(22)      0               2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
186Tl   400             2.9 s           10(-)           -19491(32)      -19490(30)      -1              2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
190Tl   90(sys)         3.7 min         7(+)            -24289.3(64)    -24289(6)       0               2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
193Tl   372             2.11 min        (9/2-)          -27104.3(52)    -27105(8)       1               2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
194Tl   0               33.0 min        2-              -26937(14)      -26937(14)      0               2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
194Tl   260             32.8 min        (7+)            -26677.2(38)    -26677(4)       0               2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
195Tl   0               1.16 h          1/2+            -28162(25)      -28155(11)      -7              2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
195Tl   482.6           3.6 s           9/2-            -27589(73)      -27672(11)      83              2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
195Tl   0&482.6         1.16 h+3.6 s    1/2+&9/2-       -28152(24)                                      2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
198Tl   0               5.3 h           2-              -27528.7(75)    -27490(80)      -39             2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
198Tl   543.6           1.87 h          7+              -26985.1(75)    -26950(80)      -35             2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
202Pb   0               52500 y         0+              -25941.4(41)    -25940(4)       -1              2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
207Fr   0               14.8 s          9/2-            -2846(19)       -2844(18)       -2              2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
208Pb   0               stable          0+              -21749.4(51)    -21748.1(12)    -1              2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
208Fr   0               59.1 s          7+              -2665(12)       -2666(11)       1               2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
222Fr   0               14.2 min        2-              16378(7)        16350(21)       28              2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
224Ra   0               3.66 d          0+              18826(28)       18827.3(22)     -1              2014BoAA: PRC 90, 044307
224Fr   0               3.33 min        1-              21748(12)       21795(13)       -47             2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
226Fr   0               49 s            1-              27513(15)       27541(12)       -28             2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
227Fr   0               2.47 min        1/2+            29682(7)        29686(13)       -4              2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
228Fr   0               38 s            2-              33389(8)        33369(13)       20              2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
229Fr   0               50.2 s          1/2+(sys)       35666(6)        35674(14)       -8              2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
230Fr   0               19.1 s                          39483(8)        39511(16)       -28             2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
231Fr   0               17.6 s          1/2+(sys)       42080(8)        42064(25)       16              2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
232Fr   0               5.5 s           (5)             46073(14)       45990(160)(sys) 83              2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
233Fr   0               0.9 s           1/2+(sys)       48920(20)       49030(300)(sys) -110            2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
233Ra   0               30 s            1/2+(sys)       44339(12)       44322(16)       17              2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
234Ra   0               30 s            0+              46931(8)        46890(30)       41              2014Kr09: PRC 90, 024301
241Am   0               432.6 y         5/2-            52936.9(18)     52936.2(18)     0.7             2014Ei01: PRC 89, 064318
243Am   0               7.37 ky         5/2-            57176.2(14)     57176.3(23)     -0.1            2014Ei01: PRC 89, 064318
244Pu   0               80.0 My         0+              59806.2(18)     59807(5)        -0.8            2014Ei01: PRC 89, 064318
249Cf   0               351 y           9/2-            69718.1(13)     69726.0(22)     -7.9            2014Ei01: PRC 89, 064318

Nuclide;        Level           Half-Life       Spin-Parity     Measured        AME-2012        Measured -      Reference
Daughter        Energy (keV)                                    Q(2B-) (keV)    Q(2B-) (keV)    AME-2012
48Ca;48Ti       0;0             53 Ey;stable    0+;0+           4267.98(32)     4267.0(4)       0.98            2014Kw04: PRC 90, 045502

Nuclide;        Level           Half-Life       Spin-Parity     Measured        AME-2012        Measured -      Reference
Daughter        Energy (keV)                                    Q(2EC) (keV)    Q(2EC) (keV)    AME-2012
78Kr;78Se       0;0             stable;stable   0+;0+           2847.75(27)     2846.3(7)       1.45            2013Bu17: PRC 88, 035502

Nuclide;        Level           Half-Life       Spin-Parity     Measured        AME-2012        Measured -      Reference
Daughter        Energy (keV)                                    Q(EC) (keV)     Q(EC) (keV)     AME-2012

23Mg;23Na       0;0             11.317 s;stable 3/2+;3/2+       4056.35(16)     4056.6(7)       -0.2            2014Sc09: PRC 90, 012501
45V;45Ti        0;0            547 ms;184.8 min 7/2-;7/2-       7123.82(22)     7129(8)         -5.2            2014Ka22: PRC 89, 051302
49Mn;49Cr       0;0             382 ms;42.3 min 5/2-;5/2-       7712.42(24)     7696(10)        16.4            2014Ka22: PRC 89, 051302
51Cr;51V        0;0             27.701 d;stable 7/2-;7/2-       751.86(55)      752.63(24)      -0.8            2014Ma21: PRC 89, 044318
66Ga;66Zn       0;0             9.304 h;stable  0+;0+           5175.5(8)       5175.3(3)       0.2             2014Se12: PRC 89, 057302